Rules & FAQ

Event Rules

Badges: Attendees must wear their event badge at all times when in event spaces, including housing spaces, and will need their event badge to enter the housing building.

Alcohol: Note that the event will not serve alcohol. Any alcohol should be enjoyed at restaurants and other off campus venues.

The University of Pennsylvania prohibits:

a. The possession and/or consumption of alcoholic beverages by persons under the age of twenty-one on property owned or controlled by the University or as part of any University event or meeting organized by a University department, organization or group.

b. The intentional and knowing selling, or intentional and knowing furnishing (as defined by Pennsylvania law) of alcoholic beverages to persons under the age of twenty-one or to persons obviously inebriated on property owned or controlled by the University or as part of any University event or meeting organized by a University department, organization or group. Pennsylvania law currently defines “furnish” as “to supply, give, or provide to, or allow a minor to possess on premises or property owned or controlled by the person charged.”

c. The consumption of alcoholic beverages by all University students and employees so as to adversely affect academic or job performance and/or endanger the physical well- being of other persons and/or oneself, and/or which leads to damage of property.

d. The possession, sale, distribution, promotion, or consumption of an alcoholic beverage in a manner that constitutes a violation of federal, state or local law, including the sale, directly or indirectly, of any alcoholic beverages at a premises or by an entity not licensed for such sales on property owned or controlled by the University or as part of any University event or meeting organized by a University department, organization or group.

Drugs: The University of Pennsylvania prohibits the unlawful manufacture, distribution, dispensation, sale, possession or use of any drug by any of its students, employees in its workplace, on its premises or as part of any of its activities. This includes the unlawful sale, distribution, dispensation, possession, or use of any prescription drug. Use or possession of marijuana is prohibited on University premises, per federal law, which supersedes Pennsylvania laws governing the use and possession of marijuana and marijuana products on university campuses. This policy is intended to supplement and not limit the provisions of the University’s Drug-Free Workplace policy.

Tobacco: The University of Pennsylvania is committed to maintaining a healthy and safe learning, working and living environment for all members and guests of our community. It therefore is the policy of the University of Pennsylvania that all smoking and tobacco use (including the use of smokeless tobacco) is prohibited in all University buildings and facilities, including but not limited to any meeting rooms, community areas, performance venues and private residential space within University of Pennsylvania housing. Smoking and tobacco use is also prohibited in all University of Pennsylvania vehicles (owned or leased), regardless of location. Finally, smoking and the use of tobacco products is prohibited on any University of Pennsylvania property, including but not limited to outdoor spaces (such as College Green, Shoemaker Green, Locust Walk, etc.), as well as parking lots, paths, fields, sports/recreational areas, and stadiums. Where University of Pennsylvania buildings are adjacent to public sidewalks or streets, smoking and the use of tobacco products is prohibited on those public sidewalks and streets within twenty (20) feet of the entrance to the building. The tobacco policy covers all smoking methods, including but not limited to the use of electronic smoking devices (e-cigarettes, e-cigars, e-pipes) and hookah-smoked products.

For more information, see the University of Pennsylvania Alcohol and Other Drug Policy

Weapons: Irrespective of any license or authority, University faculty, students, staff, whether working or not, and visitors and members of the University community, may not possess or use air rifles, pistols, firearms, weapons, ammunition, gunpowder, fireworks, explosives, gasoline and other dangerous articles and substances in University buildings or on University property. Normal laboratory materials are excluded from this policy when used in a laboratory setting.


Where am I going?
See the transportation section for how to get to campus, and around Philadelphia. As for Upenn, here is the campus map

Is the Van Pelt Library accessible?
The accessible entrance of Van Pelt-Dietrich Library Center is on the ground floor of the building. A wheelchair-accessible doorbell is located on the railing leading toward the door. It opens into the Goldstein Undergraduate Study Center. All floor are then reachable step-free by elevator. More information at:

Can I eat or drink in the library?
In the Van Pelt Library, Snacks are permitted but NOT meals or messy, aromatic foods (e.g., hoagies, pizza, salads, soup)

Meals are permitted in Mark’s Café (ground floor).
Covered beverages and snacks are permitted except in

  • Kislak Center
  • Computer labs
  • Microform areas
  • Vitale Digital Media Lab
  • Specific areas as posted

Food and drink pose a potential risk to library collections, equipment, and furnishings. We therefore ask that you act responsibly when consuming food and drink in the library.
See complete policy here:

Is there outdoor eating space available?
There is plenty of outdoor seating on the Green, along 36th between Walnut and Sansom, and by Houston Hall with chairs, tables, benches. Be aware that squirrels and sparrows will come ask for some of your food.

How will the weather be?
You can expect days in the 80s and nights in the 60s, with a potential for rain . Historical data can be found here

Will there be wifi?
All guests may use the public AirPennNet-Guest network. Change your wifi network to connect to AirPennNet-Guest, then open a browser. A walk-through will prompt you for your email address.