OK, it’s going to be long, but needed
After this Known World Heraldic and Scribal Symposium I have many superlative people to thank. My co-autocrat Livia Petralia was amazing. She secured the rooms for the classes, took care of the technology on site, updated the website, collated the information people asked for and added it pretty much in real time. She also negotiated the visit to the The Rosenbach Museum & Library, and the Materials Library at Fisher Fine Arts Library. Livia also secured the space for Saturday night social. She’s the one who printed and prepared the badges for the attendees. Our outstanding registration clerk, Philadelphia Brown took care of preregistrations and PayPal wrangling, and ran a smooth registration gate even though it was her busiest time of the year at work and we couldn’t get into the library before 10. She helped with backup plans and logistics and coordination with the college outside of the libraries. Philadelphia also found the local vendor that did the excellent work on printing the bags for the event. She was efficiently assisted by the marvelous Ása in svarta who came solely to help for this event. Our incredible webminister Matthias von Würzburg created a beautiful site and worked tirelessly with Livia on populating it. Our whirlwind-fast social media liaison, Violet Hughes, swiftly made sure information was spread far and wide. The stunning Martyn de Halliwell negotiated fiercely with the hotels to get the discounted prices and worked hard to get us regular updates despite staffing changes at the hotels. The spiffy graphic design for the event logo and floor maps was by our own wonderful Baillif, Emery de Champagne. Lillia de Vaux is our marvelous proceedings coordinator. I am looking forward to reading all the exceptional articles you sent her.
Our magnificent class coordinators: Alys Mackyntoich for the heraldic side (she also took over the potluck organization and games for the Saturday night social), and Aaradyn Gyhoot for the scribal side.
The astonishing teachers
Aaradyn Ghyooth, Aislinn Chiabac, Alicia Langland, Alys Mackyntoich, Andrewe Bawldwyn, Anéžka Liška z Kolína, Anne Elizabeth Morley, Beatrice Domenici della Campana, Birgitta Laurel, Ciaran ua Meic Thire, Davit Jamburiani, Eleazar ha-Levi, Elisabetta Pelican, Elsbeth Anne Roth, Herveus d’Ormonde, Iago Wreath, Jeanne Marie Lacroix, Juliana de Luna, Leonete D’Angely, Lillia de Vaux, Margarette la Gantiere, Mathghamhain Ua Ruadháin, Nataliia Anastasiia Evgenova, Nest verch Gwilim, Robert Whitcome of Brandywine, Rosina von Schaffhausen, Sara al-Garnatiyya, Scolastica la souriete, Sisuile Butler, Tanczos Istvan, Tola knitýr, Ursula Georges, Wu Yun.
The wonderful Margarette la Gantiere, additionally to her role as teacher, transported Bhakail’s drink containers that were used for the social (thank you to Bhakail for your consistent support of your Bailiwick)
Ellyn Greene, who awe-inspiringly showed up “Just to help” and helped shepherd attendees. I also want to thank other incredible people: our royal liaison, Marguerite inghean Lachlainn and our baronial liaisons, Genevra d’Angouleme and Sláine báen Roán FitzRobert who were ready to help, had the need existed.
I am also extremely thankful to some extraordinary people who will not see this. Dot Porter, of the rare books library, curated the rare books and manuscripts that were in the room near registration on Friday and, since she couldn’t make it that day, found students who spent their day attending this room. Lynne Farrington of the Kislak Center, who helped us leverage access to the entire library. Marcella Barnhart and Mia Wells of Lippincott Library, who were willing to allow Livia Petralia access to their classroom spaces even though their part of the library was closed. Leiqi Liu, who coordinated access to the first floor classroom when we needed Just One More Room. Joe Zucca and Aleta Arthurs at Van Pelt Library, who coordinated access to the building, security, housekeeping, and the extra levels of Campus Security. Special thanks to Betsy Deming, who came in on Friday and Saturday to make sure we were set up for technology. In the Fisher library the teams of the Materials Library (Michael Carroll and Sarah Chan) and Common Press (Jessica Peterson and Erica Honson) shared their passions with us. The Rosenbach Library (Elizabeth Fuller) also welcomed us and had some great manuscripts to see. The LGBT Center kindly opened just for us and found students willing to staff the building while the regular staff was at NY Pride. We also want to extend a thank you to Michael Chmar at The Board and Brew for being willing to offer us a 2 week ahead deadline to decide whether we would need to use their venue as our backup location – their flexibility definitely helped reduce our stress. The Van Pelt Library was a great space for this event.
Thank you to everyone who attended. The willingness to adapt to pre-registration only was much appreciated. The attention to health and safety helped keep everyone as healthy as possible. And your enthusiasm is what SCA events are all about. This was not the easiest time to visit the University of Pennsylvania, but I hope this will convince you to come here again.